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AB Mauri: Cutting carbon emissions in Italy

Energy & climate impact
Published 2022

Cutting carbon emissions is a priority for AB Mauri, and its factory in Casteggio, Italy is making progress towards the ultimate goal of full decarbonisation.

In 2022, after almost five years of design, engineering and installation work carried out by the local energy and engineering team as well as around €10m of investment, Casteggio finalised one of its largest energy efficiency investments to date.

Yeast, as a living organism, needs to breathe as it grows, requiring flows of air produced by energy-intensive blower machines. Casteggio has replaced a centralised fermentation air system and installed a new, state-of-the-art setup with 19 new blowers directed by intelligent control to deliver the exact pressure and air flow needed at each fermentation stage. This project has resulted in a 50% reduction in energy requirements for yeast aeration. This is a significant reduction. However, Casteggio already has several other energy efficiency projects in its pipeline.

To read more about this, click here to view page 32 of the 2022 ABF Responsibility report

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